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Extra weight, inflammation, pain and other health issues can be a sign that our body is out of balance.  Detoxing will help rid the body of unwanted toxins and replace them with wholesome nutrients.  This leaves the opportunity to be energized, lighter and more refreshed and most importantly sets the body up for healing!


During a detox with us, you will learn from our years of experience and dedication to helping our clients achieve peak performance and renewal.  You have complete support.


This is healing from the inside out.  Healing the digestive system is the key to better health.  Once the digestive system is working properly, excess weight, depression, anxiety, low energy, chronic pain, joint issues and skin irritations often decrease significantly if not all together.  Blood sugar levels normalize, energy increases and clarity is enjoyed. 


This is not a fad diet.  Our purpose is to help you to develop tools to live an exceptionally healthy and vibrant lifestyle without medications or other expensive and invasive modalities. The bonus is an opportunity to shed extra pounds! 


Interested in joining us for our next Detoxification program?


Our goal is to rid the body of toxins and decrease inflammation which can result in:


  • Reduction in weight

  • Stronger immune function

  • Reduction of seasonal allergies

  • Mental clarity, better sleep cycles

  • Happier outlook

  • Clearer skin

  • Less aches and pains

  • Better digestion

  • Mood stability

  • Overall feeling of wellness


All done in a supportive group environment. Let us know you are interested and we will include you in the next one!



“Everyone should commit to experiencing the cleanse.  It really helps you to take a look at the way you eat and treat your body.  Eating well is not that tough - it’s a habit.”  Lynn Gulledge



“The cleanse has been a life changing experience for me.  Not only have I changed my eating habits, but I have changed attitudes and thinking about what I put into my body.  I have fibromyalgia and constantly lack the energy I need to make it through a day.  The cleanse has given me a considerably higher energy level.”  - Jennifer Marshall


“I absolutely loved this cleanse.  It has invigorated me and got me on a new healthy way of life.  I would recommend it to everyone. 

Best money I ever spent.”


“The cleanse makes you feel so much better, physically and mentally.  Would recommend to anyone wanting to improve their well being.” - Judy Barnes


“I feel so much better about myself inside and out.  This program really is worth it.”  - Rebekah Coy

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Massage therapy can be especially beneficial when cleansing. This is mainly because it stimulates the lymphatic system. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to cleanse toxins and protect against harmful invaders in the body. This means it carries waste from the tissues and into the bloodstream for removal. Pretty incredible, right?


As we know, we are constantly coming into contact with chemicals, whether it be through food, air, cosmetics, toxic household cleaners, tap water, or simply the natural metabolic wastes our bodies produce that need to be flushed daily. Every one of our cells takes in nutrients and eliminates wastes. Once fluid is passed out of a cell membrane, it becomes “lymph” fluid. It contains substances that the cells want to get rid of, including wastes, pathogens, and undigested proteins. Making sure that we remove these toxins regularly is incredibly important for our overall health.


Light to medium touch Bodywork such as Swedish, Myofascial Release and CranioSacral Therapy as well as staying hydrated (well-hydrated tissue help moves out waste material), will help bolster your system. We love supporting our bodies with extra care on and off the 21-Day Clean Program. Relaxing for an hour massage, helping our bodies properly detoxify, and enjoying every minute of it!

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