Hips & Glutes
Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation
#1 Hamstrings
Hamstring Stretch 3 Way
Hamstrings are the big muscles located at the back of your thigh. The hamstrings are a group of 4 muscles. Each hamstring crosses 2 joints – the hip and the knee. This means when they contract they can either take your lower extremity back behind you (called hip extension) or bend the knee (called knee flexion.) While the hamstrings can produce both movements at the same time, they can’t do so to their full capacity.
#2 Inner/Outer Thigh
Inner/Outer Thigh Stretch
The adductors are fan-like muscles in the upper thigh that pull the legs together when they contract. They also help stabilize the hip joint. The adductors attach from the pelvis to the femur (thigh bone). In a human, the adductors muscles found in the thigh area of the leg are commonly referred to as groin muscles. The groin muscles include: include the adductor magnus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, pectineus, and gracilis. They pull the legs together when they contract. They also help stabilize the hip joint. The adductors attach from the pelvis to the femur (thigh bone).
The abductor muscles of the leg are often referred to as the hip abductors and are comprised of the gluteus medius muscle (the primary abductor) and the gluteus minimus. The synergist muscles include the psoas, piriformis, tensor fascia latae (TFL), sartorius, quadratus lumborum, and rectus femoris.
The abductors move the legs away from the midline of the body when they contract. They also help rotate the thigh in the hip socket and help to stabilize the hip joint. The abductors attach from the pelvis to the femur (thigh bone).
Self Massage
In relation to your yoga practice, the piriformis is responsible for the following movements. External rotation of the hip and leg, as well as abduction when the hip is flexed. This takes place in Bound Angle pose commonly known as Butterfly, Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe pose (standing or reclining), and Warrior 2.
Pigeon Pose, also known as Figure 4 is a beautiful stretch to release the piriformis.
There are many variations you can try to find the one that fits your needs.